Monday, 27 May 2013

10 Things I Love About Weddings

1.       Meeting a new couple for the first time and finding out their story.

2.       Talking over ideas for a couple’s wedding – running through my wedding pack.

3.       Discussing and drafting the ceremony with a couple at the second meeting.

4.       Asking a couple questions in order to write a personal poem of their journey together. By doing this I feel that I really “get to know” a couple. I am amazed and humbled at the openness of couples in sharing their journeys with me.

5.       Writing the ceremony or receiving written ideas from the couple, particularly the couple’s vows. While the basic structure is often the same, each ceremony is different and each couple usually include something unique in their ceremony.

6.       Meeting a couple in the week before the wedding – they are filled with excitement and it is enjoyable to run through the ceremony with them and ensure they are comfortable with it.

7.       Arriving at the ceremony – greeting the groom and enjoying the space while setting up. Weddings are always in magnificent settings and I get to see them all while working in them!  Greeting the bride on her arrival is always special.

8.       Performing the ceremony - this is the most enjoyable part.  The hard work has been done and everyone can enjoy and celebrate the occasion. I like to use a bit of humour to help set a relaxed mood.

9.       Pronouncing a couple as “husband and wife”.  There is always a warm and lovely feeling at this time.

10.   Taking in the congratulatory spirit at the end of the ceremony; farewelling the couple and their families; and always thinking “wow, I really do have the best job in the world!"

Friday, 10 May 2013


While travelling Sarah and Lucas called in to Koko Black Boutique Chocolate Shop in Melbourne. They happened to be Sarah’s favourite chocolates. Lucas had previously arranged with the owner to arrive on a certain day, wearing certain clothes and asking for a box of their chocolates. Lucas told Sarah that a friend of theirs had asked him to buy a box for them. They then proceeded on their journey, travelling the Great Ocean Road and they stopped for the night at Apollo Bay (Beacon’s Point) This was to be the romantic night Lucas had planned.  Even though Sarah was unwell he plugged on regardless!

He purchased a bottle of wine that cost over sixty dollars but Sarah was in no mood for drinking (so Lucas had to drink it). It was a cold night so Lucas lit a wood fire nearly smoking them out. Things were not going well! Then he asked Sarah if she would like a chocolate. Now this she could not refuse – especially her favourite Koko Black. He presented her with a box, she opened it only to find letters piped on the individual chocolates. She turned the box to read them – “Will you marry me?” they asked. There was a ring too – it was everything she ever wanted; she happily said yes (although not via chocolates) and Lucas happily polished off the wine.